My Experience
My name is Jereymi Longpre. I started my fitness journey in August 2015. I didn’t like how I looked and wanted to make a change. I was getting ready for the upcoming college baseball season and wanted to get in better shape. In my mind, this would make me a better baseball player. What I quickly discovered was that I had a greater passion for training & improving my fitness, rather than playing the game I had known since I was a toddler. After 15 years dedicated to baseball, I put the game aside to pursue fitness & nutrition coaching.

Since Aug 2015, I have lost 75lbs, been through a lot of ups & down, trial & error, yo-yo dieting, and even binge eating for days in a row. I went through it all and learned that there is so much more to fitness than looking good & thinking everyone will treat you differently if you’re in better shape – which was my perspective. These last couple of months have been some of my greatest times through my fitness journey because I learned how to enjoy both training & eating properly – and this is what I want for everyone.

My Purpose
Let me help you make a change by eliminating months & months, or even years of trial & error by educating you with helpful strategies to use for the rest of your life, and avoid always focusing on workouts & dieting. I want to inspire & help you achieve your nutrition & fitness goals. My motivation is not money, I truly want to make a difference and see people achieve their goals. My aim is to avoid the false hope and give you insightful information that will actually work – things that have helped me through my journey. Your success is what motivates me, and with consistency, hard work, dedication, and understanding that it’s a slow but enjoyable process, there will be a change and I want
to help you get there.

My Approach
I started by myself, learning everything for myself and not really knowing what the heck I was doing (I did end up asking for help along the way). I knew I wanted to make a change and knew that I had to start somewhere. I know that there is no “magic pill” and that it takes time, consistency and hard work to see results. The process shouldn’t be miserable, it is supposed to be enjoyable. Something that I read & live by is “Never get so focused on the end destination that you miss the joy of adventure along the way” – Greg O’Gallagher.

Having the simplicity of both fitness, and enjoying the true joy of life & it’s struggles to achieve the body that you desire, is the process and fulfillment of the end goal. Work hard & think of this as just another milestone in your path to success & happiness, and by the time you’ve reached that goal it will feel like no time at all.